Paul and Amanda met at C.O.O.L. Ministries at a Christmas party in 2009. In 2010 on Valentines day they decided to start dating. They both went through the 12 step program several times. Paul is 6 years clean and Amanda is 12 years clean. Amanda has been apart of C.O.O.L. for 12 years. They met Pastor Boyd and Pastor Jan at Salvation Army Sally’s House.  Paul has been apart of the ministry for 5 years. Paul met Pastor Boyd at Kegan State Jail where Paul resided and now Paul ministers the 12 step Breaking The Chain class there. They were married in 2011 on May 27th and are very happily married. Paul became a part of the Pastoral Staff this year and our Pastors Boyd and Jan Harrell are putting him through school. Then God decided to give them a beautiful little boy, Paul Lafette Olivarez- that was born on July the 29th, 2014. God Has truly blessed them.

Paul & Amanda are on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn