What we Believe

What we Believe

At C.O.O.L. , we accept the Word of God as absolute Truth. The Word of God is infallible, inerrant, irrefutable, undeniable, inexhaustible, God-inspired and God-breathed. No matter what any or all of us does, says, feels or thinks, if it does not line up with God’s Word, we are wrong and God is right. Based upon the premise of God’s Word in Proverbs 23:7, “For as a man thinks in his heart, so is he”. People do what they do because they believe what they believe. If people believe lies, it produces problems in their thinking, which produces darkened emotions, which produces godless behavior.

The world always treats a person the way they think, feel or act. God always starts with the way a person believes in their heart. In C.O.O.L. Christ-centered 12-Step Recovery Meetings we treat people’s belief system which addresses the root cause of their drug and alcohol  addictions or co-dependency issues. We believe by helping peole who are hurting and perhaps who do not know Christ as their personal Lord and Savior, we are doing our part to create the atmosphere by which God will draw them into His Presence and introduce them to their Healer. Therefore, we exalt the Holy Name of Jesus above everything we do and give God all the glory, praise and honor. For truly it is His.

C.O.O.L. Ministries’ number one objective is to encourage every single person that crosses the threshold of our life to draw closer to God and develop a deeper and more meaningful, intimate relationship with Christ. We can not heal anyone nor can we save them, but we know Someone Who can and that Someone is Jesus Christ whom we serve with our whole hearts. Helping hurting and healing people get into the living water of the Holy Word of God and meet their Healer, Jesus Christ, is the basis for everything we do.