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Pastor Jan Harrell

Jan 6, 2020 | Bio, RECOVERY | 0 comments

I am Janice Gayle Harrell. My story depicts a woman who was married to a man with a drug and alcohol problem who eventually became abusive and unfaithful. After approximately 10- years of being the victim of all of the above, I decided if I couldn’t beat him, then I would join him. Join him in the game of sin & sickness, use and abuse of drugs and all the evil that goes with it. I was far too old to start this pitiful lifestyle, but did so nonetheless.  Within 10-months I was already charged with a felony and went deeper into my pathetic lifestyle and all the ignorance of stupid choices.

By the second time I was arrested for selling drugs to undercover narcotics agents, that’s when the system with all of its complexity begin to do a work in me. I came to end of myself. God was there and programs were offered and people who give of their time volunteered through the chaplaincy department and I was effectively reached and the process of recovery and healing began in my life. As usual this is always a journey for the person in question and it was no different for me. Before it was said and done I had 2 separate- 10-year TDCJ Sentences and ended up doing 1001 days in the Harris County Jail most of which was done while going through a program called Substance Abuse.

One pastor who volunteered his time to conduct services was also an ex-offender, however who got turned around by the Power of God while he was incarcerated. His name is Pastor Jim Scalise. Ultimately, I fell in love with Jesus and developed a rock solid grip on recovery. I was granted 2- Parole In Absentia’s (PIA) and never stepped foot on TDCJ soil again until I later on became a Volunteer Chaplain. I have now been clean and sober for 20-years, as of June 26th, 2014. I also  am giving all the Glory, Praise, & Honor to God, for all the Miracle Way He shows Himself Strong in all of our lives. 

Jan Harrell is on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn