
“Reaching Out, Touching Lives, Doing Our Part, Making A Difference”

Dear Covenant Partners,

Truly, it has been quite some time, since I wrote you a blog. Please forgive my lack of communication. Rest assured, COOL Ministries, Inc. & the Team, have been hard at it. We’ve been covering the highways and the byways, going from prison to prison and jail service to jail service reaching out to the parole offices, all over the Community.

Helping drug addicts & alcoholics, purposing to restore families, with the love of God, by sharing the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ with everyone we come in contact with, by the Power of The Holy Spirit. We had the distinct privilege and pleasure to meet up with and rub elbows with, as well as, minister alongside- The Machine Gun Preacher, Mr. Sam Childers who lives in Africa. What a Mighty Man of God with a tremendous Mission the Lord, has placed him on. Special Thanks to Pastor Dave & Kim Manley for including us in the opportunity to be a host to Sam Childers and his team in Houston, TX just before Resurrection Sonday Celebration. I sat beside him on the set of the local TBN station in Stafford, Texas and we did a full-on Praise the Lord Program. It hasn’t been aired yet, as far as I know, in the local area. However we did three 20 minute segments and I had the privilege of sitting by Machine Gun Preacher, during all of them. The host of the program was Dr. Gregg J. Patrick who pastors The Bridge Church in SW Houston. He interviewed us and was so gracious and so wonderful, as he oscillated back and forth from Sam’s story to mine and the testimony’s of the Lord Jesus Christ, working mightily in both of our lives. Concerning our respective missions. From what Sam does in the jungles of Sudan to what we are allowed the Grace to do in the concrete jungles of the United States of America in prisons and jails and drug treatment facilities, Transitional Living centers, and in the streets of Houston, Brenham, & San Antonio, Texas to Lovington, New Mexico and Beyond what a pleasure it is to be affiliated with people like you, in such a unique and meaningful and Powerful Mission from God, to reach the lost with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Covenant Partner you have no idea how important you are to what God has called us to do & I freely admit with no holds barred, no punches pulled – I have need to keep you all better informed as to the progress of the ministry. I believe with all my heart that God has brought us together for just such a time as this. Jan & I believe God with you to take COOL Ministries, Inc. to the next level of development. Prisons, jails, drug treatment facilities, helping the homeless, supporting other missions and world evangelism. God is faithful and just! The Kingdom of God is built on relationships and we are eternally grateful for our relationship with you. It is our unified prayer that this letter reached you operating in the fullness of the Blessing! However, with that prayer we also recognize that many are struggling and going through all sorts of things that desperately need God’s attention. On that note, we believe God to reach you and touch you and your family with His Hand of Love and Power to heal, restore, and deliver you all from every hindrance of Satan.

Let us pray right now… Lord, Father God, we humble ourselves in the Mighty Name of Jesus, by the Power of the Holy Spirit. We bring our hope, faith, and love together in the unity of our faith to believe you for supernatural deliverance for every person reading this prayer. You will touch them and pour over them fresh oil from Heaven to heal and restore them everywhere they hurt. Meet every need in their life according to Your riches in Glory! Surround us all with more and more of Your Holy Angels from Heaven. Putting a hedge around us all and protecting us from every plan, power, and work of the devil. We pray the Precious Blood of the Lamb over ourselves and our families and ask for You to continue to have Your Way in all of our lives, in Jesus’ Holy Name. And we all said Amen!

As you seek God’s Face this month in relation to giving to the mission God has ordained us to accomplish, I declare and decree that your seed will indeed bring forth a supernatural harvest the likes of which you have never seen as of yet! Thank you for sacrificially sowing more than you have given before, to carry this Mission forward. God bless you always and please do not hesitate to call me if you need prayer and or agreement in faith and trust in God and His Word concerning yourself or a loved one. Jan & I remain faithful and souled out to serve our King together and reach the lost in Jesus Holy Name. Every prison, everywhere! Reaching out, touching lives, doing our part, making a difference.


Though you haven’t heard from us in quite some time, please be reassured that we have not let up, one little bit. Instead, we have continued to reach the lost and bring the love of Jesus to thousands of men and women in the prison system and in the community. It is with great honor that I share with you a recent picture of Jan, Jackie, and my Mom. Jackie turned 17, Mom is 89 now, and I by the grace of God celebrate 23 years of uninterrupted sobriety on the 29th of this month. In honor of these special celebration days, the girls and I and some awesome COOL family members from Church went on an 8-day Cruise to Montego Bay, Jamaica, Grand Cayman Island, Costa Maya, and Cozumel. It really was quite amazing to get away for a minute and the trip really lifted Mom’s spirit, as well as, all of the rest of us.


Right before we left on the cruise, we had the honor and privilege of meeting Machine Gun Preacher, Sam Childers. Soon they will be airing the 3- 20 minute segments of Praise The Lord Program, with me and The Machine Gun Preacher. I pray you will be able to catch this one. Of all the times I have been on the set, I’ve never quite enjoyed myself as much as I did that day. I believe it was all God, who set this up and allowed me to be on that set with such an awesome man of God on such an incredible mission.

And this also reignited my realization of just how awesome the mission is God gave us. When I say us, I mean you and me. You are my Covenant Partners. You have stuck by us in this field of ministry through the thick and the thin. Staying connected with me when I was kicking out a newsletter on a monthly basis, then when it began reaching you only every other month, and most recently quarterly. I cannot thank you all enough for staying with us and I apologize for the lack of constant communication and seriously want you to know that I never stop advancing God’s Kingdom through the outreach efforts of COOL Ministries, Inc. and our assigned work in the prisons, jails, and drug treatment facilities and transitional living centers. As well as, a ton of up close and personal time with individuals. Sometimes over the phone, sometimes at Church or in the office.

Our work behind the walls of prisons and jails is non-stop constant. We are by the Grace of God, to this very day raising up more and more volunteers to go in with us and cover more ground. We are graduating hundreds each quarter in our Breaking The Chains Classes and still graduate more than 50 men per quarter in the Maximized Manhood Classes of Dr. Edwin Louis Cole’s Legacy at the Carol Vance Unit. Eddie B and Conviction For Christ Ministries and COOL Ministries, Inc. will join forces this week to kick off the Spring, 2016 prison tour and we have several stops on the books at local prisons throughout the State. Places like Vance, Pack, Hamilton, Ferguson, Ellis, Wynne, LeBlanc, Young, Luther, Kegans, & Byrd Units, to name a few. Our relationship with Eddie B and Conviction has been the most anointed Kingdom Building Advancement, we have ever accomplished at COOL.

I will release my new album Step Into The Light, a COOL Rock Album this month with hits like Hallelujah, Addicted to You, and the Title Track, Step Into Light as some of the highlights of the project. Special Thanks to Eddie b and Chance Studios, Greg Martinez on the Bass, and Cody Bruneton the drums, Eddie B on Guitars and Backup Vocals, as well as mixing and production.

You may do the same for a copy of Step Into The Light, by sending a $10 donation to COOL Ministries, Inc. c/o: Pastor Boyd L. Harrell P.O. Box 924135 Houston, Texas 77292-4135 (please be sure and identify that you want   Boyd’s Album)


We will hear from the Apostle Daniel Banja of Uganda this month. We have enjoyed hearing from Frank & Jeanie Catania of Italy, Deke Silverman Evangelist to Israel, The Machine Gun Preacher from Sudan & other parts of Africa, Evangelist Michael Finn recently brought the Word to COOL Church and will be back soon to bring encouragement and Truth to the Body of Christ.

Pastor Boyd & Guest speaker

Pastor Boyd and Apostle Banja from Uganda

COOL Church in San Antonio, celebrates the 1st year on Saturday, May 7th, at 1235 W. Thompson PL. San Antonio, TX with Pastors Ralph & Juliza Griego. Pastor Eddie B will be ministering on Saturday May 7th in San Antonio, TX. 

COOL Church Houston celebrated 8 years on Resurrection Sonday this year. We will Eddie B at COOL Headquarters on Wednesday, May 11th, 2016 at 7 pm 5005 W. 34th St Suite 105-C Houston, TX 77092


We remain confident of this very thing, we are better together than we ever were alone. We need you, Covenant Partners and place the highest level of honor and respect towards the Father for bringing us together, in the Advancement of His Kingdom. As you seek His Face this month as to the seed you will sow, I ask that you sow your best yet. We have much to accomplish and have seriously been operating on low funds for serval months. I would like to encourage everyone receiving this newsletter to prayerfully consider the COOL 300 Club of giving a dollar a day or $30/month to COOL Ministries, Inc. I wrap my faith around your faithful and generous financial seed offering and believe God with you for supernatural increase in every area of your life and family. I call you healed and blessed and filled with more power and more love and deliverance in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ! By the Power of the Holy Spirit.